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Tag : church wedding

04 Oct 2019

An Early Morning Montrose Wedding.

Brittany’s family home was abuzz with activity when I arrived early Saturday morning. Bridesmaids in matching robes frantically brushed each others hair and applied heavy coats of eyeshadow. Siblings zipped around the house collecting cufflinks, corsages and other wedding accessories. Cell phones buzzed and beeped with messages about last-minute details . All the while Brittany smiled calmly. She was more than confident about the man she was about to marry. Caleb and Brittany met through school sports when they were […]

06 Jan 2018

2017 Weddings in Review

For my last “Wedding Photography Year in Review,” I chose to focus on the lesser seen moments during weddings. This year I want to expand on that to include some of the peripheral scenes and sub-plots that surround weddings. Weddings offer the perfect opportunities to observe new friends meeting for the first time, old friends reconnecting for the first time in a long time, or non-friends hanging out together. Your wedding may be the only time in history where all […]

08 Sep 2017

Surprise! A Church Wedding

I am always happy to help out friends and fellow photographers and that is exactly what I did when my ski school buddy Jim Cox called me the day before Nicole and Keaton’s wedding. Jim was concerned about the lighting inside the First United Methodist Church in Grand Junction and he had been asked not to use a flash during the ceremony. Now I had never been to this church but I figured that it couldn’t be any darker that […]