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Tag : year in review

29 Jan 2020
bride and groom praying

Wedding Year in Review – 2018-2019

2018 was so busy that before I knew it, it was 2019 and I needed a break. In taking that break I only photographed one wedding in 2019 so I’ve included it in the same Year in Review. As a photo editor, selecting a year in pictures collection is one of my most favorite projects. Not only does it give me an opportunity to reflect on my accomplishments over the past year, but it is an entirely different process than […]

06 Jan 2018

2017 Weddings in Review

For my last “Wedding Photography Year in Review,” I chose to focus on the lesser seen moments during weddings. This year I want to expand on that to include some of the peripheral scenes and sub-plots that surround weddings. Weddings offer the perfect opportunities to observe new friends meeting for the first time, old friends reconnecting for the first time in a long time, or non-friends hanging out together. Your wedding may be the only time in history where all […]

10 Jan 2017

2016 Weddings in Review

In compiling 2016’s “Year in Review” I wanted to take a somewhat different tack and showcase some photos that are more off-beat. I look at A LOT of wedding images and I grow tired of looking at the expected, formulaic and overly-processed images that seem to decorate the entire wedding industry. So rather than just showing off those perfect moments I’m going to mix in some out-takes, happy accidents, and just fun moments that are often seen at weddings but […]

08 Jan 2016

2015 Weddings in Review

With the start of the new year I always try to look ahead at what is coming rather that at what has passed. I have never compiled a year in review for wedding photography before but I had so much fun photographing weddings and worked with so many wonderful couples in 2015 that I felt compelled to put together a little highlight reel. Some memorable moments included making snow angels on the roof of the Ouray Brewery, a jeep tour […]